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Ewen Gillies was surely the most travelled of all the Hiortaich! He and his wife Margaret MacDonald were among those who went to Australia in 1852. He left Margaret in Melbourne and went to the gold-diggings, without much success. He then went to New Zealand, again without success, and returned to Melbourne, to find that Margaret had given him up for lost and married again.
So Ewen headed off for the USA and joined the Confederate Army in the Civil War. Realising that they were going to lose, he headed off to the California gold-diggings, and this time met with success.
So, he headed back to Melbourne to claim his children, and brought them back to Britain, first to London and then to St Kilda, which they did not like, so he took them to California, and settled them there. He then headed back for St Kilda, where he married Rachel MacQueen. He took his new wife to Melbourne, but she was unhappy there, and they went back to St Kilda, where he so annoyed the Hiortaich with his stories of how much better the rest of the world was, that they suggested he might like to go back there.
So, he and Rachel headed for Vancouver, and settled there instead!