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Family name or surname.
First names / christian name. The system applies many rules to help you find first names. Gaelic and English equivalents are dealt with, as well as many English alternatives.
See notes on names.
Within the nearest 5 years.
Which Hebridean Parish the person was born in, or Other for outside of the Hebrides.
Husband or Wife’s name.
Within the nearest 5 years.
Father’s name.
Mother’s (maiden) name.
Within the nearest 5 years.
The actual location (not necessarily the Parish the marriage registered in) of marriage.
The location of the person as detailed in contemporary records (such as Estate records) of around 1820.
The location of the person as recorded in the Census of 1841.
The location of the person as recorded in the Census of 1851.
The location of the person as recorded in the Census of 1861.
The location of the person as recorded in the Census of 1871.
The location of the person as recorded in the Census of 1881.
The location of the person as recorded in the Census of 1891.
The location of the person as recorded in the Census of 1901.
Where the person went to after that.
This family reference is unique to us, and allows us to gather together the information we have on all the members of one family. When you have found your family, try searching using this reference number to get all of your family members.
This is the family reference for the person’s Spouse. Use this to look up the Spouse’s side of the family.
Any other relevant notes. Most records won’t have extra notes, as most things such as the ship they travelled on are already covered.
This is how precise to make your searches. A datefuzz of 10 will search the 5 years either side of the dates you input.