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Vacancy – Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
October 2023
Thank you for your interest in the Volunteer Coordinator Post at Hebrides People.
All applications will then be processed and interviews will be held on Thursday 28 November 2024 by Zoom. You will be informed by email if you are successful in securing an interview and a time will be allocated to you.
You are welcome to visit the centre before submission of your application or give us a call to discuss the post. Please call Sandra Macaskill on 07986 163002 (up till 12 November) or Stephen Mackinnon on 01859 520258 (13 November until 21 November) email if you have any questions or would like to discuss the position.
Please find attached a job description for the post. Application is submission of a full CV and a letter outlining what you bring to the key responsibilities of the post and how you meet the person specification. We would also appreciate a paragraph on why you think you are the best person to deliver this exciting role in promoting volunteering opportunities around the heritage, culture and language of the people of the Outer Hebrides. Please submit to by Thursday 21 November 2024 at 5pm.