NEW: Vacancies | Mon – Fri 10–5 | 01859 520 258

Based in Northton in the Isle of Harris, Hebrides People is a visitor and genealogy centre. Explore the people of the Hebrides through over 200,000 online records!

Cò Leis Thu?

From whom do you come?

Cò Leis Thu?

From whom do you come?

This question is the island way of finding out exactly where and from whom, you come. A typical response might be… “Beathag Ceit Aonghais Beathaig”.

That translates as “Rebecca, daughter of Kate who was the daughter of Angus who was the son of Rebecca”. It can be used to locate people with pinpoint accuracy!

It is called a sloinneadh, or patronymic and the practice has been used for centuries.

FREE access supported by the Heritage Lottery

Visit Hebrides People

Pop into our visitor centre in Northton to find out more about the history of Harris and the people of the Hebrides.

We have a range of exhibitions, a well stocked bookshop and the kettle is always on! We are open Monday to Friday from 10-5pm.

Find your family

If you are looking for information about relatives from the Western Isles, we are here to help. We have an extensive online archive to search.

We also offer Genealogical services, where our archivists will work with you to uncover your family records and produce a family tree.

Our detailed histories of island townships and crofts will bring your research to life.

Explore the Shop

We have an extensive range of books related to the Western Isles as well as Gift Certificates. You can also buy credits to use in your searches!

A Short History of Emigration from the Western Isles

The Western Isles are among the most beautiful places in Scotland, but the various effects of climate, geography, and mistreatment by those in power, amongst other reasons, have meant that life here has often been difficult, and over the centuries many thousands of people have left the islands in search of a better life.

Browse the Gallery

Browse the Gallery